Category Archives: priests

Encuentra mas de Cien Mil Archivos de Pornografía Infantil en Computadora de ExSacerdote Católico

Publicado el 15 dic 2014

Noticias Cristianas

Jozef Wesolowski Ex Nuncio Papal

( Republicana Dominicana, Alrededor de unos 100 mil archivos de pornografía infantil fueron encontrados en la computadora del Ex Nuncio Papal de la República Dominicana Jozef Wesolowski, acusado recientemente de actos de pederastia.

Autoridades informaron que hallaron 130 vídeos y más de 86 mil fotografías de contenido totalmente prohibido que se encontraban distribuidos en cuatro carpetas de la computadora portátil, que fue encontraba en la Nunciatura de la Santa Sede en Santo Domingo.

Luego de investigaciones que iniciaron al comprobarse que vestido de civil, el religioso cazaba de menores de edad, a los cuales ofrecía dinero a cambio de favores sexuales.

Las autoridades cuentan con declaraciones y testimonios que a Wesolowski le gustaban los niños y prefería siempre a los más pequeños.

El sacerdote polaco, de 66 años y acusado de pederastia, se encuentra desde el martes pasado bajo arresto domiciliario en el Vaticano y es el representante de la Iglesia católica romana de más alto grado en ser procesado por pedofilia.



Former papal diplomat could face trial in Dominican Republic: Vatican

VATICAN CITY Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:08am EDT

Archbishop Josef Wesolowski, the Vatican's ambassador to the Dominican Republic, offers mass in Santo Domingo August 3, 2009.  REUTERS/Luis Gomez/Diario Libre

Archbishop Josef Wesolowski, the Vatican’s ambassador to the Dominican Republic, offers mass in Santo Domingo August 3, 2009.

Credit: Reuters/Luis Gomez/Diario Libre

(Reuters) – A former Polish archbishop and papal diplomat who was defrocked after allegations of paying children for sexual acts has lost his diplomatic immunity and could be tried in the Dominican Republic, the Vatican said.

In a statement late on Monday, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi also denied that the Vatican, by recalling Jozef Wesolowski to Rome last year when he was still a diplomat in Santo Domingo, had tried to cover up the case.

Lombardi, whose statement followed a detailed report on the Wesolowski case this week in The New York Times, said the 66-year-old former archbishop no longer had immunity and “might also be subjected to judicial procedures from the courts that could have specific jurisdiction over him”.

Wesolowski is being investigated in the Dominican Republic, where he served as nuncio, or ambassador, over accusations of paying boys to perform sexual acts.

Last June, a Vatican tribunal defrocked the former archbishop, meaning he was reduced to the status of a layman and can no longer be a minister.

He is now due to undergo a separate, criminal trial in Vatican City, the first time the Vatican will hold such a trial on those charges in its own territory. Wesolowski could face up to 12 years in jail.

Lombardi said Wesolowski was appealing against the defrocking and that another canonical hearing would take place in the next few weeks. After that, the criminal proceedings against him in the Vatican “will continue as soon as the canonical sentence becomes definitive,” he said.

The spokesman denied that Wesolowski’s recall to Rome last year was an attempt to cover up anything, saying the Vatican had “moved without delay and correctly” to investigate the former archbishop.

“Far from any intention of a cover-up, this action demonstrates the full and direct undertaking of the Holy See’s responsibility even in such a serious and delicate case…,” Lombardi said.

He said Pope Francis, who has vowed zero tolerance against clerics who sexually abuse children, was following the Wesolowski case very carefully and wanted it to be handled “justly and rigorously”.

Last May, Francis, the first non-European pope in 1,300 years, called the sexual abuse of children by priests an “ugly crime” and likened it to “a Satanic Mass”.

In July, he told victims of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clerics the Church should “weep and make reparation” for crimes he said had taken on the dimensions of a sacrilegious cult.

(Reporting by Philip Pullella; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)


Polish priest held over Dominican Republic sex abuse claims

Priests stand by a crucifix with the sun setting behind
The Catholic Church in Poland has largely been spared the sex abuses scandals seen elsewhere

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Police in Poland have arrested a Catholic priest suspected of committing sex offences against children in the Dominican Republic.

The 36-year-old, identified only as Wojciech G, is accused of molesting boys while serving as a parish priest on the Caribbean island.

He denies the accusations.

Last year Polish archbishop Jozef Wesolowski was recalled to Rome amid claims he sexually abused children in the Dominican Republic.

The 65-year-old archbishop, formerly the Vatican’s representative to the island, is one of the highest ranking Catholic Church officials to be investigated for alleged abuse.

In the latest case, Wojciech G was arrested at his home near Krakow on Monday and is expected to be formally charged on Tuesday.


The BBC’s Adam Easton in Warsaw says the Catholic Church in Poland has largely been spared the sex abuse scandals that have made headlines in Ireland or the US.

But this case – and similar accusations against Archbishop Wesolowski, who served as the Papal Nuncio in the Dominican Republic until last August – are starting to change that.

Earlier this month, a Polish man who was abused by a priest as a child announced he was suing the country’s Roman Catholic Church – the first such civil case in the country.

The church leadership apologised to all child abuse victims last year, but insisted it would not pay damages for the crimes of individual clergymen.

Meanwhile, the UN has said the Vatican should “immediately remove” all clergy who were known or suspected child abusers.

In a report, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child also denounced the Holy See for adopting policies which allowed priests to sexually abuse thousands of children.

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