Category Archives: FBI

MIAMI: FBI allana consultorio de médico dominicano

30 Enero 2013, 01:11 PM
Salomon Melgen y el senador Bob Menéndez
MIAMI.- Agentes del FBI hicieron una redada en el negocio de West Palm Beach de un oftalmólogo dominicano acusado por la prensa conservadora de proveer viajes gratuitos y hasta prostitutas menores de edad de la República Dominicana al senador demócrata de Nueva Jersey Bob Menéndez, quien ha negado las acusaciones alegando que se trata de “alegaciones falaces”.

Agentes se reunieron en la consulta del doctor Salomon Melgen, donante político a Menéndez y otros prominentes políticos, para empezar a montar posible evidencia en alrededor de una docena de vans blancos.

El enfoque exacto de la investigación no está claro, ni tampoco si está vinculada con el demócrata Menéndez. No se pudo contactar a un portavoz de Menéndez, ni tampoco a Melgen.

Melgen tiene una orden vigente de embargo preventivo del IRS por $11.1 millones, por impuestos debidos del 2006 al 2009, según documentos presentados a la oficina del archivista del Condado Palm Beach. Un embargo preventivo anterior del IRS por $6.2 millones fue suspendido en el 2011.

A pesar de estos problemas financieros, Melgen y su familia han contribuido por lo menos $357,000 a candidatos y comités desde 1998, según documentos de campaña federales y de la Florida. De esa suma, los Melgen contribuyeron alrededor del 9 por ciento a las campañas federales de Menéndez.

Melgen es, además, propietario de un avión privado y viaja con frecuencia entre el sur de la Florida y Casa de Campo, en la República Dominicana.

Menéndez ha volado en el avión al menos una vez, ha dicho su oficina, cuando era presidente del Comité Senatorial Demócrata de Campaña entre el 2009-2011, cuando los Melgen contribuyeron on calrededor de $60,400 al grupo. Una vocera había dicho que Menéndez y Melgen son viejos amigos y que el senador no hizo nada impropio.

Melgen fue vinculado por primera vez a Menéndez justo antes de las elecciones de noviembre, cuando el website conservador Daily Caller entrevistó a dos supuestas prostitutas que dijeron haber tenido relaciones sexuales con el demócrata de Nueva Jersey en Casa de Campo, la mansión de Melgen en la República Dominicana.

Tras las elecciones, la noticia fue olvidada.

Pero luego, días antes de que Menéndez dirigiera la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado, como presidente de la misma, una fuente anónima empezó a enviar a los reporteros un dossier de 58 páginas de correos electrónicos entre un agente del FBI de Miami y un informante que alegó que algunas de las prostitutas habían sido menores de edad.

“No voy a responder a las acusaciones falaces de la historia de ustedes”, dijo Menéndez el lunes al Daily Caller cuando un reportero se le acercó en un tren en Washington.







The Cloakroom: Melgen's VOXXI endorses Menendez

(From left to right) Sen. Robert Menendez (left), (D-NJ); Dr. Salomon Melgen, VOXXI Chairman of the Board; Representative Nancy Pelosi; Francisco J. Sanchez, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade and Emilio Sanchez, president and CEO of VOXXI during the NALEO Gala in Washington, D.C. (Photo/ Voxxi)

By: Neil W. McCabe
11/4/2012 01:12 AM

The English-language Hispanic affairs news site owned by Democratic contributor Dr. Solomon E. Melgen endorsed Sen. Robert Menendez (D.-N.J.) for re-election Nov. 3 without mentioning the senator’s prosititute scandal.

“Bob Menendez is the clear choice for New Jersey. He is a champion for working families and the Hispanic community in the United States Senate. Because of his commitment to improve the lives of working families in New Jersey and help Hispanics across the country, he deserves to be re-elected to continue fighting for the next six years,” the VOXXI said. VOXXI is a blend of the Latin word for voice, vox, and the Roman numberals for 21, as in the 21th century.

“VOXXI’s editorial page makes its decision independent from the news department, and evaluated Sen. Menendez economic policies and his track record with the Hispanic population,” the board said, perhaps grateful that its view lines up so closely with the goals of their proprietor.

Last week, the federal village was rocked by the Daily Caller interview with two young female prostitutes and their claim that had contracted them for contact, but when he broke contact contracted the fee associated with the contract.

A spokeswoman for Menendez dismissed the story.

The other man in the story was Melgen, who runs a very successful Florida eye practice, Melgen Vitreo Retinal Eye Center, which has three locations.

Melgen donated thousands to Menendez, but there are other people on his list. Other recipients of his largesse include Christopher J. Dodd, the former  Democratic senator from Conneticut and Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, a former retired Iraqi theater commander.

Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez (retired)

Melgen gave at least $7,500 Sanchez’s 2012 campaign for the open Senate seat from Texas. Sanchez was slated to be the Army’s first Hispanic four-star general until he was caught up in the Abu Ghraib scandal.

AET 0135 Dr. Salomon Melgen received lifetime achievement award
(From left to right) Sen. Robert Menendez (left), (D-NJ); Dr. Salomon Melgen, VOXXI Chairman of the Board; Representative Nancy Pelosi; Francisco J. Sanchez, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade and Emilio Sanchez, president and CEO of VOXXI during the NALEO Gala in Washington, D.C. (Photo/ Voxxi)

National Hispanic leader and philanthropist, Dr. Salomon Melgen received the ”Lifetime Honorary Member Award,” from the Dominican Healthcare Association of Florida, during the fundraiser Gala “Noche en Honor al Médico Dominicano” at the historic Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Fla., Friday night.

VOXXI chairman and co-Founder, Melgen was honored on the basis of  his professional achievements, personal contribution to the association and  service to the community at large.

“The journey to get here tonight has not been an easy one.  When I came to the United States from the Dominican Republic, I faced many challenges. I did not speak the language and I was also discriminated against for being Hispanic,” said Melgen, during his acceptance speech. “But when one door closes, another one opens. We must learn how to fight and be persistent. It is the only secret to success in life.”

And success he’s had in everything he’s set his mind and heart to.

Related story: Financial motivation and ethics in surgery decision making

12 Dr. Salomon Melgen received lifetime achievement awardVOXXI Chairman and co-founder Dr. Salomon Melgen, pictured here during VOXXI’s official launch ceremony at the Newseum in Washington D.C.,  was awarded with a lifetime honorary membership from the Dominican Health Care Association of Florida, Friday April 27 in Coral Gables. (File)

Soon after completing his training at Harvard University in 1986, Melgen, who was born and raised in Dominican Republic and experienced first hand the struggles of being an immigrant, became the first surgeon to perform outpatient retina surgery in South Florida, and became a pioneer in laser therapy.

In 1988, the doctor founded Vitreo Retinal Consultants, which at the time was affiliated to  Harvard Medical School’s Schepens Eye Research Institute (the largest independent eye research institute in the United States). Together they conducted successful research leading to the use of the Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (SLO), which became the basis of the development of instruments that are currently utilized to diagnose and treat retina-related diseases.

“He’s well recognized not only in Florida, but in the whole country for his treatments for eye diseases,” said Daisy J. Baez, founder and executive director of the Dominican Health Care Association, who added that, with the award, they wanted to recognize Melgen’s significant contributions to the medical profession as well as express gratitude for his support to the association.

“Dr. Melgen attended our very first meeting,” Baez said. “He listened to our ideas and provided encouragement, feedback and guidance. He made us believe our cause was worthy and his input has been always very valuable.”

  • Patient’s interests at heart

Beyond his pioneering work in the medical field, what sets Melgen apart from most other doctors is that he places the patient’s interest at heart, which has earned him four times the award as one of the United States’ most compassionate doctors.

Dr2 Dr. Salomon Melgen received lifetime achievement awardBeyond his pioneering work in the medical field, what sets Dr. Salomon Melgen apart from most other doctors is that he places the patient’s interest at heart, which has earned him recognition as one of the United States’ most compassionate doctors. (Photo courtesy Dr. Salomon Melgen)

The Compassionate Doctor Certification is part of the Patients’ Choice recognition program, where patients rate and vote for their favorite physicians. The award is presented to less than 6 percent of the nation’s 720,000 active physicians – Melgen is one of them. He received the Patients’ Choice Award  in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

“Treating patients, not just their disease,” has been Melgen’s motto. Add his kindness and the product is excellent health care.

Melgen is known for saying that he does not just follow standard treatment protocols; he prefers to take the time to get to know his patient and examine relevant data to make sure he chooses the best treatment, case by case.

Among his many other recognitions, Melgen has also been presented with the Community Service Award in 2010 by the Florida Society of Ophthalmology and was also the youngest recipient of the Medal of Duarte, Sanchez and Mella, the most prestigious award bestowed by the Dominican Republic Government for charity work.

In Florida, Melgen’s office, Melgen Vitreo Retina Eye Center, treats people suffering from age related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, detached retinas, torn retinas, flashes and floaters.

  • Hispanic leader

Because of his personal experiences when he arrived to the United States, and thanks to his philanthropist  heart, Melgen has been restless in his efforts to help the Hispanic community in the country.

“We are currently facing the civil rights movement of our time. We have to stand up and fight against discrimination and those that portray Latinos in a negative way,” said Melgen during last night’s ceremony. “That’s why I founded VOXXI, a news site for Latinos by Latinos. It has been a long-time dream of mine.”

Having an outlet like VOXXI, with no boundaries, no limits or constraints, said Melgen, is a unique opportunity to feature Hispanics without the veil of stereotypes, as well as to talk about their varied interests, including important health issues affecting the Hispanic community.

And it was among his medical and Hispanic peers, that on Friday night Melgen received the Lifetime Honorary Member Award from the hands of his colleague Dr. Rolando Grillo.

“I am very grateful to everyone for their continued support in this incredible journey,” he said. “It is truly an honor to receive this award from my colleagues who I also call my friends.” 

Established in Jan. 2011 the Dominican Health Care Association of Florida, has the goal of promoting a support system among Dominican medical doctors. The majority of its 80 active members are doctors, but dentists, nurses and physician assistants have also joined. Most of them were present last night to celebrate the life and work of Melgen.

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